make a special point of having the barber cut it very short so that the wave does not show. That sensitivity dates back to the time when my grandmother orated the old European proverb pertinent to nothing. "Curled hair — CURLED INSTINCTS". That's a reasonable transla- tion I believe. Those old proverbs are almost like the "Laws of the Medes and Persians" and have a lot of truth in them.
Now if Virginia would only stop insisting on 20/20 vision in the mirror, I would feel that when dressed I look like a 30 year old school teacher. Well . . . would you believe a 40 year old lady truckdriver??? A 45 year old corset sales lady?
Dear Virginia,
The magazine (TVia) is fascinating; in comparing back issues with what you're doing now I get the impression that you have not only learned how to limit your editorial content to your "authentic” audience, but how to help the members of that audience almost in spite of them- selves and their own notions of what they "need." Needless to say, I deep- ly admire what you're trying to do. It would be a shame if all your efforts were terminated because of a lawyer's battle, now. I'm enclosing a small "deposit" on future issues and wish it could be more generous.
In many ways, the most interesting things I found were the letters - not only from other TVs but from wives. Isn't it both amazing and sad- dening that a few really intelligent women are capable of such sympathy and comprehension-in contrast to the standard pattern of disgusted rejection and active malice which leads to either divorce or prolonged misery?
I have a theory of my own (based, of course, on experience) which you might like to discuss some time, editorially: it is that many of the wives who make a divorce issue of transvestism are simply seizing the tool near- est at hand: the quickest and easiest weapon to use. I suspect that a really good and happy marriage isn't vulnerable to resentment of TV, any more than to resentment of prolonged fishing trips, poker-playing or occasional binges. And that (by the same token) a TV husband who genuinely loved his wife and treated her well would never be crucified for his "obsession."